• 週1リスニング
  • 【通信講座】リスニング力を鍛える週1トレーニング(第2回解説):Holiday House Tour

【通信講座】リスニング力を鍛える週1トレーニング(第2回解説):Holiday House Tour

【通信講座】リスニング力を鍛える週1トレーニング(第2回目解説):Holiday House Tour

Amelia lives in a small apartment in Hell’s Kitchen, New York City. Her apartment is just 490 square-foot. She likes to bring some nature inside because there is not much nature around the city. She would ask a Christmas tree vendor in the street to sell her some leftover clippings for a cheaper price, and she makes some garlands with them. She thinks when decorating the small spaces, you should remember to edit as you go. She wants her guest to feel relaxed and comfortable, especially in the holiday season. (87 words) 



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Holiday House Tour

Hi I’m Amelia and  (1. ____  _____ ______ ____ ) 490 square-foot apartment in Hell’s Kitchen.

New York City is so special at the Holidays and I like taking that moment and   (2. _____  _____ ______ _______) out of it.  

I’ll put a good holiday movie like “The Family Stone” and I’ll just start decorating and I’ll have a drink. 

I like to do a combination of bringing the nature, you know the outdoor inside. We don’t have a lot of nature (3.  _____ __ ___ ) here in New York City. 

 (4. ____  _____  ____ ______ ) that I like to do the little tip is to go to the local guy selling the Christmas trees and there’s always those random clippings that are left over when they’re packing up the trees for people and so I usually try and strike a deal.

I’ll take my IKEA bag and just kind of layer them in around the space.

My mom’s gonna see that and get kind of mad but anyway,  (5. ____  _____ ______ ) when I’m dealing with these garland’s, I just kind of pop up on my sofa to turn the lights on,

These are just standard garland’s that you can get and (6. ____  _____ ______ ) pine cones or cinnamon sticks or anything you want to.  

(7. ____  _____ ______ ______) that when you are decorating in a small space for holidays, just remember to edit as you go, less is more, it’s kind of that old fashioned roll when you put you’re putting all your jewelry on and then you take one piece off.

It’s kind of  (8.   _____ ______ ______) applies to your decorating for the holidays, but yeah, you know just have fun with it.

I would say the way I want people to feel when they walk in to my apartment any time of the year but (9.   _____ ______ ______) .

It’s a hectic time  (10.   _____ ______ ______ ______ ______), I want them to feel free to just come in and flop wherever they want.

You know, get a drink, have some snacks, dish… the nicest compliment that I ever received when some of us coming over to my house that it felt like getting a hug.   


  1. l live in a  私は〜に住んでいます。
  2. making a little celebration ちょっとお祝いする
  3. accessible to us 身近にある
  4. One of the things  〜のひとつには
  5. it’s totally safe まったく安全です(ぜんぜん大丈夫)
  6. you can add 付け加えることができる
  7. I would just say 私に言わせれば
  8. the same thing 同じように
  9. especially the holidays  特にホリデーシーズンは
  10. I want people to relax みんなにリラックスしてもらいたい

今回のレッスンはいかがでしたか? アメリアさんのアパートは小さいけれど素敵でしたね。ちょっと話すスピードが速かったかもしれませんが、かなりクリアでクセのない発音で、一般的なアメリカ人の話す英語です。ディクテーション問題をやって、スクリプトを完成させ、もう一度動画を見てみてください。きっと理解の度合いがグンと上がっていると思います。難しい単語は使っていなかったと思います。分からない単語があったら辞書を引いて調べてくださいね。

Hectic 忙しない、てんてこまいの 
Flop どかっと腰を下ろす

The Family StoneはSATCのサラ・ジェシカ・パーカーが主演しているホリデームービー。邦題は『幸せのポートレート』です。





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