[動画でリスニング] お料理は癒し?レイチェル・クーのインタビューから

2. 聞き取れない場合は、再生速度を0.75〜0.5くらいまで落とす
3. 理解のヒントを参考に、わからない単語を確認する
Rachel Khoo
Hello Waterstones!
my name is Rachel Khoo.
I’m really excited to talk to you about my new cookbook.”my little French kitchen”
A: I love to listen to music when I’m cooking. Actually… I just, it’s necessary, it’s essential.
and kind of music I like to listen, it depends on my mood but I listen a lot to Charles Petersen who has a great
Radio show and it’s kind of quite eclectic, you know everything from old-school hip-hop to electro, jazz even classical music.
essential 必須
eclectic 色々、なんでもあり
A: I do find cooking therapeutic but only if it is not in a rush or I’m not stressed.
So, for me, it’s theapeutic if it’s on a Sunday and I’m chilling out. and the kind of dishes I cook are the one pot to one tray dishes like I’ve got this recipe in the book which is chicken marinated in red wine and you bung it in a tray with some new potatoes, carrots, and pop that in the oven and read the Sunday papers. And then you know after an hour or so you have lunch or dinner ready.
therapeutic 癒やし
therapeutic はtherapy セラピーの関連語。セラピーになる、癒やしになるという意味です。
Do you find 〜 はとてもよく使う質問の形。前回のdecideもそうだけど、findも「思う」を表す言葉です。
in a rush 急いでいるとき
chill out ゆったりとくつろいで
one pot, one tray お鍋、トレイひとつ
marinated マリネード
bung it = throw it イギリスの表現 トレイに投げ入れて
A: I would love to go to Japan
Really interested in the culture, the food, it’s just so different from what I know.
Also, love to go to Brazil as well, hot weather and beautiful people.
interested in 関心がある
A: My ideal meal for two people on a Saturday night would be..
I love the slow roasted lamb with toasted buckwheat and it’s got a little yogurt dressing with mint, really fresh, it’s an easy dish to do, so not much prep in the kitchen and then I do like the semolina and prune creme brûlées because that’s another thing you can do in advance, so you can enjoy each other’s company and don’t have to spend too much time in the kitchen.
slow roasted lambじっくりローストしたラム肉
buckwheat そばの実 (日本のお蕎麦はbuckwheat noodles)
prep=preparation 準備
semolina セモリナ粉(パスタやクスクス使われる粗くひかれた小麦粉)
enjoy each other’s company お互い一緒にいることを楽しむ
A: If my house was on fire, the one cookbook I’d save would be my Elizabeth David cookbook which I got from my granny. It’s like from the 60s I think.
on fire 火事になる
granny おばあちゃん